Ladies and Gentlemen.
This is a very special meeting in our Conference. It is a meeting dedicated to the memory of Heinz Corte – a founder and a profound student of contemporary paper physics, who dedicated his professional life to the service of our industry. Heinz Corte was known and universally respected in our industry by every professional who was interested in the progress of paper science and certainly by every professional who attended these Fundamental Research Conferences for the last decade or more. He was simply indefatigable in organizing and attending to the minute details of these productive meetings, which have affected the careers and professional growth of every one of us. We owe much, very much, to Heinz Corte’s efforts on our behalf – and our friend and benefactor died in harness working for us. So it is fitting for us to gather together today and pay homage to him who was a mentor and critic to some of us, and an authoritative scholar and scientist to all of us.
In the short time available, I can only reflect on the highlights of this excellent scientist and complex person.
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