Brief Communication Articles
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- Brief Communicationpp 6392-6400Shmulsky, R., Correa, L. M. S., and Quin, F. (2021). "Strength and stiffness of 3-ply industrial bamboo matting," BioResources 16(3), 6392-6400.AbstractArticlePDF
There is a pressing need to develop engineering standards for timber- and other wood-based mats suitable for supporting construction vehicles, etc. In 2018, a group of mat producers and users began discussing a potential grading standard specific to mats. There are large gaps in the literature regarding the performance of the available raw materials as well as bolt-laminated mat systems. This study addresses the issue of determining the strength and stiffness values of a commercially sourced industrial bamboo mat. A total of seven 8 ft × 14 ft (2.44 m × 4.27 m) commercial bamboo mats were cut into 28 billets that were 21.5 in (54.6 cm) in width. The bamboo mat billets were evaluated for bending stiffness (modulus of elasticity [MOE]) and strength (modulus of rupture [MOR]) using a three-point static bending test. The 5th percentile non-parametric tolerance limit (5% NTL) and design value for fiber stress in bending (Fb) were calculated. The mechanical property values measured for the 3-ply bamboo mat were at least 25% less than values reported for mixed hardwood timber mats. This type of structural performance information is helpful and useful in the development of matting standards, as it describes the minimum performance characteristics for this type of composite matting.
- Brief Communicationpp 6661-6668Ferro, F. S., Arroyo, F. N., Rodrigues, E. F. C., Fraga, I. F., Almeida, J. P. B., Ruthes, H. C., Aquino, V. B. M., Morales E. A. M., de Moraes, M. H. M., Lahr, F. A. R., and Christoforo, A. L. (2021). "Investigation of pore size distribution by mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) technique applied on different OSB panels," BioResources 16(4), 6661-6668. AbstractArticlePDF
Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) is a technique used to characterize the pore size distribution and resin penetration in lignocellulosic materials, such as oriented strand board specimens (OSB), a multilayer panel utilized in structural applications. The method is based on the isostatic injection, under very high pressure, of a non-wetting fluid (mercury) into the porous material to determine parameters such as pore size distribution and percentage of porosity of the specimens. In this study, five different OSB were analyzed; they contained different wood species, resin type, and resin content. The panels manufactured with castor oil polyurethane resin showed porosity values in the range of 54.7 and 27.8%. This was a promising result compared with those obtained for panels made with phenolic resins, which are currently commercialized in Brazil.