NC State
G.H. Van Dorth. An investigation into stock preparation equipment. In Fibre-Water Interactions in Paper-Making, Trans. of the VIth Fund. Res. Symp. Oxford, 1977, (Fundamental Research Committee, ed.), pp 917–919, FRC, Manchester, 2018.


Thispaper is intended to summarise and follow up the papers presented at the Spring Conference of the B.P. and B.M.A. Technical Section in London in 1973 and the Eucepa Symposium in Bratislava in 1976.

In 1968 the Fibre Institute of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied
Scientific Research (TNO) initiated, in close co-operation with the Research
Association of the Netherlands Paper Industry, a programme to promote
the use of waste paper. This programme, which is still in progress, covers –

1 . An overall comparison of mills which use clean and/or mixed waste paper.
2. Pulping, deflaking, cleaning, dispersing, de-inking and bleaching.
3. Treatment of sludges.
4. An analysis of raw materials losses.

The studies are based mainly on comparisons of recycling equipments installed in Dutch paper and board mills. Special trials were made using the pilot plants of paper machine manufacturers.

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