Thin lamellae, corresponding to the layer components of structural glued members, i.e., 2-ply or 3-ply glued flooring, can be manufactured in re-sawing operations of kiln-dried wood blocks or in wet technologies, which currently seem to be more common because of the shorter drying time. The re-sawing process in wet technology is conducted on dedicated thin-cutting band sawing machines with stellite-tipped band saws. The goal of this research was to demonstrate the capacity of surface production (m2/ tool life) of visible layers of oak engineered flooring composites in a function of both a new band saw and a re-sharpened band saw blade. Additionally, the state of teeth of each band saw blade was examined at the end of the tool life. A series of cutting tests were performed in sawmill production conditions. The conducted tests revealed that a three times higher capacity of surface production was obtained for the new tool compared to re-sharpened tool. Additional microscopic observations of some re-sharpened teeth showed deformed plastic characteristics.
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Capacity of Surface Production of Band Sawing in Manufacture of Oak Floor Upper Layers
Kazimierz A. Orlowski,a,* Daniel Chuchala,a Dawid Stenka,a and Tomasz Przybylinski b
Thin lamellae, corresponding to the layer components of structural glued members, i.e., 2-ply or 3-ply glued flooring, can be manufactured in re-sawing operations of kiln-dried wood blocks or in wet technologies, which currently seem to be more common because of the shorter drying time. The re-sawing process in wet technology is conducted on dedicated thin-cutting band sawing machines with stellite-tipped band saws. The goal of this research was to demonstrate the capacity of surface production (m2/ tool life) of visible layers of oak engineered flooring composites in a function of both a new band saw and a re-sharpened band saw blade. Additionally, the state of teeth of each band saw blade was examined at the end of the tool life. A series of cutting tests were performed in sawmill production conditions. The conducted tests revealed that a three times higher capacity of surface production was obtained for the new tool compared to re-sharpened tool. Additional microscopic observations of some re-sharpened teeth showed deformed plastic characteristics.
DOI: 10.15376/biores.18.2.2789-2799
Keywords: Band saw blade; Band sawing machine; Lamellae; Rate of surface production; Teeth wear; Tool life; Industrial conditions
Contact information: a: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology, and EkoTech Center, Gdansk University of Technology, 11/12 Narutowicza Street, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland; b: Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, 14 Fiszera Street, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland;
* Corresponding author: kazimierz.orlowski@pg.edu.pl
The cost of raw material has a crucial role in the wood industry. Steele et al. (1992) stated that raw material cost might account for even 75% of the total sawmill manufacturing process cost. To lower the material cost of the thin lamellae re-sawing operations, narrow kerf sawing processes based on the use of either frame sawing machines or the use of narrow kerf circular saws were developed (Orłowski et al. 2001; Schultz and Haas 2001). The technologies mentioned mainly concern the cutting of dry wood. The narrow kerf saws are used mainly in floorings (Orlowski and Walichnowski 2013; Orlowski et al. 2020), glulam, and sports equipment production, where the reduction of the waste brings the highest profits. The reduction of wood waste plays an important role in the balance between the net wood growth per capita and wood consumption per capita (Bowyer and Stockmann 2001).
The currently observed increase in energy prices has enforced a change in the technologies used for re-sawing wood to lamellae from dry to wet. In this case, narrow kerf frame sawing machines are being replaced by band sawing machines in which narrow kerf band saws are applied (DSB Singlehead 2022). This reduces the kiln drying time of wood from a period of 4 to 6 weeks, even to one week (Milić et al. 2021; Solak and Greinke 2022). Hence, the simultaneous use of saws with narrow kerf overall sets and wet technologies of re-sawing operations is an example of sustainable development of manufacture in sawmilling.
The main disadvantage of narrow kerf cutting tools is that the reduction of the kerf size decreases the blade’s stiffness (Orlowski 2003), which causes lower cutting accuracy (Orlowski et al. 2020). In the literature, some band saw blade stiffness determination approaches have been considered (Orlowski et al. 2022b). The model proposed in this paper, which uses numerical simulations, may support the design of the reduced kerf cutting tools with a smaller accuracy reduction. Dynamics of band saws and band sawing machines were analyzed by Ulsoy et al. (1978) and Okai (2009).
In practice, some directly measured dimensional characteristics of typical wear patterns, while metal cutting (i.e., crater and flank wear, and notch wear at the depth-of-cut extremities) for high speed steel HSS, cemented carbide, and ceramics tools are standardized in ISO 3685 (1982). The latter is not valid for cutting tools during wood machining. Nevertheless, the cutting edge wear parameters listed in this paragraph can be classified as geometric criteria (Cichosz 2006; Grzesik 2017).
Many works have focused on the cutting edge dulling problem as the major indicator of tool wear. They revealed that the wear of the cutting edge depends on the cutting conditions as well as the mechanical properties of the processed material. Factors for wood processes are more numerous than for metals e.g., moisture content, defects (knots), wood species, annual rings, etc. (Klamecki 1979; Orlicz 1988; Kminiak et al. 2015, 2016; Kvietková et al. 2015; Górski et al. 2019; Nasir et al. 2019). For frozen beech band sawing, Siklienka et al. (2015) found that stellite tipped teeth had significantly higher wear resistance in comparison to swaged steel teeth. Cristóvão et al. (2011) investigated under laboratory conditions the relationship between tool wear and some chemical and physical properties for four Mozambican lesser-known tropical species: Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia (ntholo), Sterculia appendiculata (metil), Acacia nigrescens (namuno), and Pericopsis angolensis (muanga). The wear mechanism of a tool was investigated using a scanning electron microscope. Simplified wear measurements in industrial conditions, which might provide information about the state of the band saw, could be based on the overall sets of the worn teeth measured with the digital caliper (Orlowski et al. 2022a).
The cutting edge radius or the radial displacement the cutting edge are applied for description of the wear process, which leads to bluntness of the cutting edge (Csanady and Magoss 2020). Beer (2002) demonstrated that modifying a knife by creating microphase on the cutting edge (14 μm) while beech wood veneer was peeled allowed for increasing tool life almost 5 times. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the first phase of accelerated cutting edge wear (Cichosz 2006; Grzesik 2017) was artificially induced, and not in the cutting process. Moreover, the cutting surfaces of sharpened hobs should be lapped to eliminate edge chipping (Piotrowski 2015).
Evaluation of the sawing process as a function of time (understood implicitly tool wear) can be made on the assessment of cutting accuracy of sawn products such as lumber for band sawing (Eklund 2000) or lamellae during sash gang sawing (Orlowski et al. 2020). The above-mentioned parameters connected with sawing accuracy belong to the technological group of criteria of wear (Cichosz 2006; Grzesik 2017).
The changes in the cutting tool geometry as well the tool wear degree can be also assessed according to physical criteria of wear as follows: the tool force data (Meulenberg et al. 2022), vibration data (Górski et al. 2019; Nasir et al. 2019), acoustic emission signal (Svrzic et al. 2021; Svoreň et al. 2021), and temperature data (Igaz et al. 2019).
Another group of criteria that the wear of cutting edges is considered is economic. In this case, performance issues, such as capacity of linear output (m/ tool life), raw material removal capacity (m3/ tool life), and capacity of surface production (m2/ tool life), could be taken into consideration. For tools that can be sharpened, the number of sharpenings per service life (the sum of tool lives) is considered. Therefore, the goal of this research was to demonstrate the capacity of surface production (m2/ tool life) of visible layers of oak engineered flooring composites in a function of both a new band saw blade and a re-sharpened band saw blade. Additionally, the state of teeth of each band saw blade was examined at the end of the tool life.
Machine Tool and Tools
Experimental cutting tests were performed at the Łąccy – Kołczygłowy Sp. z o.o. sawmill in Barnowo (Pomerania Region, PL), which specializes in production of engineered floorings composed of multi-layer glue-laminated wooden boards. Tests were conducted on the band sawing machine DSB Singlehead NG XM by Wintersteiger (Ried im Innkreis, Austria) (Fig. 1a). Cutting conditions were as follows cutting speed vc = 28 m⋅s-1 and feed speed in average vf = 8 m⋅min-1. The machine tool was equipped with a counter to measure the total length of the boards being cut.
Fig. 1. General view of the working section of the band sawing machine DSB Singlehead NG XM (a), and a bandsaw with working (at the bottom) and scraper teeth (on the top) (b)
The band saw blade had 220 teeth, each with the overall set St = 1.20 mm, and saw blade thickness equal to 0.8 mm, with pitch equal to P = 25 mm. Each tooth was stellite tipped with the rake angle γ = 20° and clearance angle α = 10°. The applied band saw blade type PRIME ST 0.8/1.2 (Wintersteiger, Ried im Innkreis, Austria) was manufactured with a special design to reduce saw dust accumulation and had scraper teeth on the saw blade back, with pitch equal to Ps = 50 mm (Fig. 1b). In the experiment two band saws were used:
- The first band saw was in a new state. The band saw worked until it reached its lifetime, which was defined online by the sawing machine operators when the boards were not made in accordance with the requirements of both the sawmill measure and the standard PN-EN 13226 (2004);
- The second tool was a re-sharpened band saw, which was the first band saw usage after re-sharpening.
Overall sets of every tooth of a new band saw before and after cutting were manually measured with a digital caliper (type Gedore No. 711, 0–150 mm, UK). In addition, the teeth of re-sharpened band saw were measured at the end of its tool life.
A NIKON ECLIPSE Ti-S microscope (Nikon Europe B.V., Amstelveen, Netherlands) equipped with a NIKON DS-Fi2 recording camera was used to take pictures of some selected teeth. The camera is equipped with NIKON lenses with magnifications of 5×, 10×, 20×, and 50×. The obtained teeth images were additionally equipped with a scale.
The examined band saws were applied in re-sawing processes of oak (Quercus L.) boards, which were obtained from the Forest District Bytów of the State Forests (timber supplier, Poland), Sawmill Łąccy Kołczygłowy Sp. z o.o. Kołczygłowy, Poland (boards supplier):
- Average dimensions 221 × 2450 mm2 (width × length), the nominal thickness was 28 mm. The average moisture content of wood was MC = 32.41% with standard deviation (SD) = 2.26. The test No 1 was conducted in the winter time with the use of a new band saw.
- Average dimensions 250 × 2423 mm2 (width × length), the nominal thickness was 28 mm. The average moisture content of wood was MC = 33.3% with SD = 7.41. The test No 2 was led at the beginning of summer with the re-sharpened band saw applied.
Both experiments were classified to a “wet” technology of the lamellae production.
The overall sets (theoretical kerfs) of the examined band saws PRIME ST 0.8/1.2 measured with the caliper are presented as follows: in Fig. 2a, overall sets for the new band saw, values of overall sets after re-sawing process while tool life is achieved for test No 1 in Fig. 2b, and in Fig. 2c, overall sets for the re-sharpened band saw when tool life is reached for the test No 2.
When the lamellae were not made in accordance with the requirements of the sawmill measure, the band sawing machine operators stopped the sawing process, and the tested band saw was replaced with a new one. The worn out band saw was sent for re-sharpening by a specialized company.
The presented range of values of total tooth overall sets St for the new band saw (Fig. 2a) and after the first use (Fig. 2b), until tool life was reached, was the same and equaled 0.03 mm. For the re-sharpened the band saw after reaching the tool life, the range of total tooth overall sets was larger and equal to 0.05 mm. The dispersion of averages DAv St can be calculated from Eq. 1,
where tcr is a critical value of the Student t test (Sachs 1984), s(x) is a coefficient of variation, and nx is a number of degrees of freedom.
Fig. 2. Overall sets of band saws, where: new band saw (a), after re-sawing process while tool life is achieved for test No 1 (b), and after re-sawing process when tool life is reached for test No 2 (c)
In the cases under consideration, the values of the dispersion of averages DAv St were computed with Eq. 1, for a number of degrees of freedom nx = 219, and tcr a critical value of the Student’s t test tcr = 1.9685 (for a significance level α = 0.05) (Sachs 1984). The obtained value of the dispersion of averages were as follows: for a new band saw (Fig. 2a) DAv St = 0.0009 mm, for the band saw after the test No 1 (Fig. 2b) DAv St = 0.001 mm, for the case shown in Fig. 2c DAv St = 0.0011 mm thus, the average overall sets of the worn teeth are St = 1.175 ± 0.001 mm (Fig. 2b) and St = 1.151 ± 0.0011 mm (Fig. 2c).
The first observed tool life for the new band saw after re-sawing process of oak boards was equal to 220 min (test No 1), which corresponded to 1760 m of the total length of sawn boards. For the re-sawing process with the re-sharpened band saw applied, the tool life was equal to 63 min, which corresponds only to 504 m of the total lengths of sawn boards in the test No 2. Because the width of boards were different, a much better indicator to compare these processes is the capacity of surface production (Fig. 3), which for test No 1 was equal to 389 m2, and in test No 2 equaled 126 m2.
Fig. 3. Capacity of surface production as a function of band saw applied
Fig. 4. Marks visible on the sawn surface of the oak lamella caused by the broken down tooth #143
After additional observation of the teeth, it was found that tooth #143 had broken down (catastrophic tooth wear), which resulted in clear marks visible on the sawn surface (Fig. 4). For that reason, it is recommended to consider equipping the band saw with systems for automatic detection of cutting blade defects similarly to what the authors Zhu et al. (2000, 2001) presented. Furthermore, teeth numbered #25, #74, #148, and #202 probably underwent plastic deformation. For this reason, the listed teeth were cut from the saw blade and subjected to additional observations on the NIKON ECLIPSE Ti-S microscope. Exemplary views of teeth #25 and #202 in directions of the clearance face Aα and in direction of the rake face Aγ are presented in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Views in direction of clearance face Aα of the tooth #202 (a), tooth #25 (c), and tooth #148 with dimensioned plastically deformed corner (f), and in direction of rake face Aγ of the tooth #202 (b), tooth #25 (d) (magnification of 2.5×)
In each case presented, it can be seen that the corners of the cutting edges lying at the intersection of the main and minor cutting edges showed plastic deformation characteristics. In Fig. 5f there is shown as an example dimensioned plastically deformed corner of the tooth #148, which dimension equals 40 μm. This caused the minor (side) cutting edges to not be straight. Examination of the shape of the main cutting edges revealed their lack of straightness, which might have been caused by increased corner wear or additionally the presence of catastrophic failure as in tooth #25 (Fig. 5c).
A common error that occurs during sharpening of tools is the presence of burrs on the cutting edges. These burrs would probably have been removed during the initial stage of the sawing process, during the initial running-in period (the first part of the curve of natural wear) (Grzesik 2017). Moreover, for mini gang saw blades (Orlowski et al. 2001) the larger cutting edge radii for the new blade were caused by the presence of burrs after the cutting edge grinding process, which was the original sharpening process included in the blade manufacturing process. The observed phenomenon may lead to faster wear of the regenerated cutting edges, as shown by Jaworski et al. (2016). In Jaworski et al. it was observed that as the number of sharpening increases, the mean value of the pull broach tooth wear on the clearance face increases, which has an impact on the quality of the machining process. The cutting surfaces of sharpened hobs should be lapped to eliminate edge chipping, then as a result it has a direct effect on the higher quality of machined gear wheels (Piotrowski 2016). In the analyzed case of the process of re-sawing oak boards, a three times higher capacity of surface production was obtained for the new tool compared to the re-sharpened tool. Compared to the hob, the band saw is a much simpler tool, thus, adding an additional technological operation, such as lapping, would be irrational. This shows that the sharpening process should be performed carefully. In contrast, the same is true when cutting metals, where it is recommended that new band saw blades are run-in in a controlled manner. This allows an increase in the tool (blade) life, meaning in the authors’ case, an increase in capacity of surface production. To achieve this, the user should reduce the feed rate during the first cuts to 50% of the recommended feed rate. After cutting a section, which should be determined experimentally, the feed rate can be gradually increased up to the optimum value (Perschmann Hoffmann Group 2016).
On the basis of the conducted experiments, the following conclusions can be derived:
- In the process of re-sawing oak boards, a three times higher capacity of surface production was obtained for the new tool compared to re-sharpened tool.
- The main reason of the above phenomenon is that the corners of the cutting edges lying at the intersection of the main and minor cutting edges have plastic deformation characteristics. Moreover, the shape of the main cutting edges revealed their lack of straightness, which might have been caused by increased corner wear or additional presence of catastrophic failure.
- Clear marks visible on the sawn surface were caused by the catastrophic tooth wear of the tooth. To avoid this phenomenon the band sawing machine should be equipped with the automatic system for automatic detection of cutting blade defects.
Financial support of these studies from Gdańsk University of Technology by the DEC – 4/2022/IDUB/III.4.1/Tc grant under the Technetium Talent Management Grants – ‘Excellence Initiative – Research University’ program is gratefully acknowledged.
Authors would like to acknowledge the sawmill Łąccy – Kołczygłowy spółka z o.o. for its support of the experiment.
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Article submitted: January 13, 2023; Peer review completed: February 11, 2023; Revised version received and accepted: February 14, 2023; Published: February 21, 2023.
DOI: 10.15376/biores.18.2.2789-2799