Multidimensional scaling, a statistical technique that permits separation and identification of the principal factors used by people when judging differences and preferences between pairs of test stimuli, has been adapted to the subjective evaluation of print quality. Numerical values of the factors involved in subjective print quality evaluation are used to establish the relationship with corresponding physical print qualities and related paper properties. Information is also generated concerning the preferences and reliability of each judge and the degree to which each judge agrees with other judges in a professional group.
Multidimensional analysis of the subjective evaluation of wire-mark in solid letterpress prints indicates that the degree to which lines appear in the wire-mark pattern is as disturbing as the overall wiremark intensity.
Mottle, show-through, contrast, and paper colour are found to be of importance in the judgement of stereo letterpress print quality; while mottle, liming, show through, and set-off are found to be significant in polymer plate letterpress printing trials. Physical tests are compared for their ability to predict these subjective print quality factors.
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