NC State
  • 1957
    pp 273–281A.P. ArlovCharacterisation of Beating Through Study of the Visco-Elastic Properties of PaperAbstractPDF

    A strong sulphite pulp was beaten in different laboratory beaters to a series of freenesses. Handsheets were formed according to the British standard method. In this method, the sheets are clamped during drying and, thus, shrinkage in the plane of the paper is prevented. Stress/strain curves were recorded using the apparatus developed by the Steenberg group.

    It was found that sheets from pulp beaten to different freenesses in one and the same beater yielded stress/strain curves of approximately the same shape within the range of freenesses examined (Canadian standard freeness 600 250 ml). The shape of the curves, however, differed from one type of beater to another.

  • 1957
    pp 301–331H. CorteThe Porous Structure of Paper – Its Measurement, its Importance and its Modification by BeatingAbstractPDF

    In order to treat the porosity properties of paper from a common viewpoint, its porous structure is described by means of the pore size distribution . Two methods for its determination are discussed in detail. A general result, supported by statistical considerations, is that the frequency distribution of the pore radii can be approximated by a logarithmic Gauss distribution . Over a wide range of porosity, simple linear relationships between the characteristic parameters of the distributions were found.

    Considering the various possible permeation phenomena, the permeation of inert gases (such as air) is the simplest case. It is governed by the Poiseuille law at normal pressures. At low pressures, the Knudsen and the slip effect come into play. Permeation of water vapour is shown to be a surface diffusion process, additionally controlled by the adsorption of water vapour on cellulose . This process, including its temperature dependence, can be reduced to air permeability and water vapour adsorption. The penetration of inert liquids follows the Poiseuille law, but is affected additionally by the interface tension between the liquid and cellulose. The quantitative treatment reveals a relationship between the leak time of such liquids (as grease) and the air permeability, which has been proved by experiments.

  • 1957
    pp 333–347L.S. NordmanBonding in Paper SheetsAbstractPDF

    The bond strength has been defined as the energy required to break the bonds in a bonded area of unit size. A determination of the bond strength thus involves measurements of energy as well as of surface areas. Several methods for measuring the bonded area are reviewed and their limitations are discussed. For investigations carried out in the Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute, the optical method based on the Kubelka-Munk theory was employed. Following the concept that microbreaks occur in a test strip during loading, the increase in the scattering coefficient of a sample subjected to a tensile test is believed to be caused by the breaking of bonds. A number of qualitative tests revealed a strong similarity between bond breakage and stress/strain behaviour of the test strip. Quantitatively, the bond strength was determined from the slope of the line depicting the relationship between the increase in scattering coefficient and the irrecoverable energy loss in a straining/destraining cycle. The bond strength as found to be dependent on pulp quality. The values for the bond strength thus obtained agree as to the order of magnitude with other values reported in publications.

  • 1957
    pp 349–364G. Centola and D. BorrusoThe Influence of Electrolytes and Certain Substantive Azo-Dyes on the Rate of BeatingAbstractPDF

    From the results of beating experiments on several pulps in the presence of electrolytes and water soluble substantive azo-dyes, it has been possible to draw the following conclusions –

    1. Generally speaking, the presence of various electrolytes causes a decrease of the beating rate of the cellulose fibres in comparison with beating in distilled water. In some few instances, there has been noted a slight increase of the beating rate. This fact could be explained on the basis that the additive acts as a sequestrant of the cations present in water. In fact, this seems to be more realistic than the hypothesis of specific action of the electrolytes on the fibre during the beating process.
    2. Some substantive azo-dyes belonging to the benzidine class cause outstanding acceleration in beating, together with a remarkable improvement in the mechanical characteristics of the corresponding paper sheets.
    3. When the same dyes are added to beaten pulp, an increase of beating degree (°S.R.) is obtained without any remarkable change in the strength.
    4. When the dye is extracted from the beaten pulp, a decrease of beating degree (°S.R.) is observed. If compared with paper sheets prepared from unextracted pulps, those prepared from the extracted pulps show an increased folding endurance. The other strength characteristics do not present any noticeable variation.

    The results of these experiments are discussed on the hypothesis of the lamellar cleavage of cellulose fibres during beating and the interaction between dye molecules and cellulose macromolecules.

  • 1957
    pp 377–387W. GallaySome Aspects of the Theory of the Beating ProcessAbstractPDF

    Three factors involved in the strength of paper are discussed (1) the strength of the fibre, (2) resistance to failure by slippage of fibres and (3) interfibre bonding. The objectives of beating are considered to be the production of (1) the best conditions for maximum interweaving of fibres in the web and (2) the best conditions for bonding between fibres. Both of these desirable attributes must be produced with maximum possible avoidance of gross damage to the fibre.

    The matters are discussed in some detail. Particular attention is drawn to other closely related topics for example, fibre swelling and plasticisation, interfibre adhesion in suspensions and flocculation and the relationship of tearing strength to beating.

  • 1957
    pp 389–409H.W. GiertzThe Effects of Beating on Individual FibresAbstractPDF

    The effects of beating on the individual fibres are divided into four main groups swelling, fibrillation, cutting and the removal of the primary wall.

    Swelling takes place in the amorphous hydrophilic hemicellulosic interfibrillar material. It involves a loosening of the fibre structure. The fibre wall is plasticised by the imbibed water and the fibre becomes more flexible . In an advanced state of swelling, the hemicellulose molecules are supposed to be partially dissolved in the surrounding water.

    Fibrillation is caused not only by the direct action of the bars, but also by other treatments such as simple agitation or ultrasonic radiation. It is pointed out that a certain amount of swelling is needed to allow fibrillation and that fibrillation may be regarded as a natural consequence of progressive fibre swelling. Fibrillation first takes place after rather a long beating time.

    A method is described by which it is possible to determine quantitatively the amount of primary wall on the surface of the fibres. The primary wall is torn off rapidly at the very beginning of the beating process and it is shown that the fibre surface free from primary wall can be correlated with the tensile strength.

    When beating wood fibres, the removal of the primary wall and the swelling, in as much as it makes the fibre more flexible, seem to be the main effects in improving paper strength (fibre-to-fibre bonds), whereas fibrillation is of less or of no importance.

  • 1957
    pp 411–417A.A. RobertsonA Note on the Permeability Method for Determining Surface Development and Swelling During Beating and RefiningAbstractPDF

    The permeability method for the determination of specific surfaces (Carman(1)) of particles forming an unconsolidated homogeneous bed have been applied by Robertson and Mason(6) to swollen pulp fibres. The permeability of the bed is measured at several bed concentrations and the data may be used to calculate not only a specific surface, but also a specific volume by suitable application of the Kozeny-Carman equation. The method has since been used by Corte,(3) Emerton,(4) Ingmanson,(5) Carroll and Mason(2) and others.

    It has previously been reported(6) that the development of specific volume during beating as measured by this method ran parallel to the strength development as measured by breaking length or burst. On the basis of rather limited data, the suggestion was made that the two phenomena swelling and strength development might be closely related for a given pulp. At the same time, it was noted that a relationship appeared to exist between the specific surface and the drainage properties as measured by a freeness test. The same observations were subsequently confirmed by Corte(3) and in part by Carroll and Mason.(2)

    The present note reports some subsequent work carried out at Svenska Träforskningsinstitutet, which generally confirms the previous picture, but suggests that the relationships are modified by the method of treatment.

  • 1957
    pp 431–434H.W. EmertonThe Outer Secondary Wall: Pt. 2 – Its Possible Papermaking SignificanceAbstractPDF

    It is believed that the object of beating is to enhance the plastic deformability of the pulp fibres, at the same time increasing their surface activity. This is achieved by internal fibrillation, which potentially increases the amount of water imbibed. The actual amount imbibed will depend, however, on the ability of the fibre wall to swell freely. Thus, the rupture and partial removal of the swelling-constraining outer secondary wall may be a desirable object of beating.

  • 1957
    pp 435–446J.A. Van Den AkkerEnergy Considerations in the Beating of PulpAbstractPDF

    The incentive to intensive research on the development of radically new beating principles lies in the magnitude of the difference between the energy actually expended in beating and what, under the most ideal conditions, would be needed to modify the fibre in the desired way. Accurate information on the efficiency of existing beating processes does not exist. After a review of some of the estimates of beating efficiency, this paper presents discussions of the energies required in idealised mechanisms to produce certain modifications of the fibre. Idealised mechanisms have been invoked for the purpose of obtaining estimates of the order of magnitude of the power reduction that might be effected through the development of new beating principles. An analysis of the energy and force required to peel basic cellulosic filaments from a fibre, as a function of angle, is presented. This analysis shows that the probability of large-angle fibrillation is much greater than that for small-angle peeling. Estimates of the energy requirement are presented for the development of specific surface through fibrillation of the fibre surfaces, loosening of the internal structure of the fibre and for fibre cutting. It is concluded that a tremendous gap exists between the level of energy now expended in beating and refining and what would be consumed in nearly ideal processes.

  • 1957
    pp 447–473O.L. Forgacs, A.A. Robertson and S.G. MasonThe Hydrodynamic Behaviour of Papermaking FibresAbstractPDF

    This paper summarises three related investigations the flow characteristics of pulp suspensions, the strength of dilute fibre networks and the flexibility of individual fibres.

    When pulp flows through a circular pipe, three regimes of flow (designated as laminar plug, mixed and turbulent flow) may exist, separated by two transition velocities, which, with relatively long-fibred pulps, are sharply defined. Plug flow is characterised by the development of a fibre free wall layer whose existence can be demonstrated in several ways. Mixed and turbulent flow involve the breakdown of the fibre network by the turbulent stresses . Relationships between flow properties and concentration and types of pulp are discussed. Pulp suspensions can exhibit the Weissenberg effect, which may be taken as evidence of their visco-elastic nature.

    The tensile strength of pulp suspensions at concentrations down to 0.2 percent. and less is measured by a simple experimental technique. It increases with fibre concentration, fibre length, extent of delignification and of beating. A close correlation is found between the network strength at 0.8 percent. fibre concentration and the conventional wet-web strength at 15 20 percent. It is concluded that the networks and wet webs are held together mainly by interfibre friction. The predicted correlation between the static network strength and the friction factor in turbulent flow is shown to exist.

    A method of measuring the flexibility o)f individual fibres is described. The method is based on a classification of rotational orbits of the fibres in laminar shear and provides a measure of the distribution of fibre flexibility in a given sample. It is shown that flexibility increases with increased fibre length, decreased amount of residual lignin and with beating. By means of a series of measurements on pulps cooked to various yields a correlation is shown between fibre flexibility, network strength and the ability of the fibres to suppress turbulence in water.


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