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  • Researchpp 7824–7841Jin, W., Chen, W., and Ma, K. (2024). "Sustainable packaging user-centered design employing CycleGAN and deep learning," BioResources 19(4), 7824–7841.AbstractArticlePDF

    An innovative approach was pursued for sustainable packaging design using Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks (CycleGANs), tailored for wood packaging engraving. The methodology includes four phases: user participatory design, assembly scheme design, detailed Finite Element Analysis (FEA) optimization, and computer numerical control (CNC) engraving production. Each phase targets sustainability from design to final product, minimizing environmental impact and economic costs. Emphasizing early user participation helps adapt designs to user needs and environmental standards. Innovations such as real-time updates of packaging patterns via cloud-based iterations and an FEA optimization system enhance durability and aesthetics. This approach improves the environmental footprint and recyclability of conventional wood packaging. The research aims to shift perceptions in the packaging industry towards more sustainable practices, showcasing the practical applications of advanced digital tools in traditional manufacturing. It offers a scalable model for integrating sustainability into packaging design, providing valuable insights and inspiring future innovations in environmentally friendly practices across the industry.

  • Researchpp 7842–7855Yiğit, N. (2024). "Determination of sixteen woody species’ ability to sequester Sr, Mo, and Sn pollutants," BioResources 19(4), 7842–7855.AbstractArticlePDF

    This study aimed to determine the most suitable woody species that can be used to reduce the pollution of Sr, Mo, and Sn, which are heavy metals that are harmful to the ecosystem and human and environmental health. Within the study’s scope, samples were taken from the wood parts of 16 woody species growing under similar conditions in Düzce province, which is among the five cities with the most polluted air in Europe. The wood part is the largest organ of higher plants in terms of mass; it traps heavy metals within itself for many years and can remove heavy metals to a great extent. Therefore, plants with a high potential for heavy metal accumulation in the wood part are among the most suitable plants for phytoremediation studies. The study determined Sr, Mo, and Sn concentrations in the wood parts of 16 tree species via inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy and compared them using statistical methods. Results indicate that Robinia pseudoacacia and Cedrus atlantica species were suitable for reducing pollution by Mo and Sn, while Platanus orientalis and Populus alba species were suitable for reducing Sr pollution.

  • Researchpp 7856–7869Hong Nguyen, N., Hoang Anh, S., Duy Pham, K., and Quoc Nguyen, T. (2024). "Preparation of carbon-based solid acid catalyst from rice straw for furfural production in aqueous media," BioResources 19(4), 7856–7869.AbstractArticlePDF

    A powerful carbon-based solid acid catalyst and furfural were obtained from rice straw (RS) biomass resource. The acid catalyst was prepared through the carbonization and sulfonation of RS. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, N2 adsorption-desorption, and ammonia temperature-programmed desorption (NH3-TPD) were used to characterize the catalysts. The effect of sulfonation time (4 h to 16 h) on the structure and acidity of the catalysts was elucidated. After 16 h of sulfonation, the BET surface area and the total acidity of the catalyst reached 415 m2/g and 7.48 mmol/g, respectively. Moreover, strong acid sites accounted for more than 63% of acidity. The catalyst was then used for the conversion of RS into furfural in water. The influence of reaction temperature and time while using the catalyst on the conversion process was also investigated. The catalyst exhibited high activity in the conversion of RS, with a furfural yield of 68.3 g/kg RS at 160 °C in 5 h.

  • Researchpp 7870–7885Mohan, P., Mohd Yusof, N. S., Thomas, S., and Abd Rahman, N. M. M. (2024). "Ultrasound-alkali-assisted isolation of cellulose from coconut shells," BioResources 19(4), 7870–7885.AbstractArticlePDF

    This research explored the isolation of cellulose from coconut shells using ultrasound. It involved two types of cellulose isolation: alkali and bleached cellulose (ABC) and ultrasound-alkali-assisted isolated cellulose (UAIC). The products were characterized using various techniques, including attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The ATR-FTIR results confirmed the effective removal of lignin and hemicellulose in the ABC and UAIC samples. Field emission scanning electron microscopy analysis revealed the production of micro-sized cellulose. The TGA and XRD results showed improved thermal stability and crystallinity in ABC and UAIC, attributed to the elimination of non-cellulosic constituents. However, the thermal stability and crystallinity of UAIC were lower compared to ABC, likely due to the cavitation effect caused by sonication. The findings suggest that ultrasonication is an efficient and promising method for isolating cellulose.


54 years ago

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