NC State
  • Researchpp 2670–2686Ayrilmis, N., Yurttas, E., Avsar, E. Y., Kahraman, M. V., Özdemir, F., Palanisamy, S., Yetiş, F., Ali, S. K.,  Gurusamy, M. K., Palaniappan, M., and Al-Farraj, S. A. (2025). "Properties of plastic composites filled with giant reed flour and magnesium oxide nanoparticles," BioResources 20(2), 2670–2686.AbstractArticlePDF

    Wood plastic composites (WPCs) were produced from recycled polypropylene (RPP) matrix, giant reed (GR) flour, and magnesium oxide nanoparticles (nano-MgO). The physical, mechanical, and thermal properties were analyzed. Different amounts of GR flour from 10 wt% to 40 wt%, and nano-MgO from 1.0 wt% to 2 wt% were added into the RPP matrix. The water resistance, mechanical, and thermal properties of the injection molded WPCs were determined according to the ISO standards. The bending and tensile modulus of the WPCs were considerably enhanced with the addition of the GR flour up to 40 wt%, while this was found to be maximum at 30 wt% for the bending and tensile strengths. The water absorption of the WPCs increased with the addition of the GR flour, as expected. The results of thermal analysis revealed that the addition of the GR flour increased the thermal stability of the WPCs, especially the degree of crystallization and the melting enthalpies of the RPP matrix, due to the good adhesion between the GR flour and the RPP. The incorporation of the nano-MgO affected adversely the mechanical properties of the WPCs. Lower thermal stability was observed for WPCs containing nano-MgO. The inclusion of 30 wt% GR flour in the RPP matrix gave the best mechanical and thermal properties.

  • Researchpp 2687–2710Wu, C., and Huang, L. (2025). "Andrographis paniculata mediated AuNPs as anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-diabetic agents and their efficacy in wound healing of mice," BioResources 20(2), 2687–2710.AbstractArticlePDF


    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are known to have low toxicity and biocompatibility. Meanwhile, Andrographis paniculata (A. paniculata) is a medicinal plant known for its therapeutic benefits. Traditional methods for the synthesis of AuNPs frequently depend on toxic compounds, which present environmental and health hazards. In this work, A. paniculata was combined with AuNPs to enhance its antimicrobial, antioxidant, and wound healing effects, thereby offering a safer and more effective alternative compared to current available methods. Water-soluble gold metal ions were reduced to neutral metal nanoparticles in the course of reaction with aqueous A. paniculata extract. The biosynthesised AuNPs was examined using UV-Vis, FTIR Spectroscopy, TEM, XRD, SAED Diffraction, EDX, DLS, and zeta potential measurements. AuNPs were incorporated into nonionic surfactant to form a thick, readily spreadable hydrogel. The mixture was found to enhance the wound contraction rate with no skin irritation observed in treated mice. The study demonstrated a simple and environmentally safe approach to produce AuNPs with improved antimicrobial, antioxidant, antidiabetic and wound healing abilities. The AuNPs-PF127 hydrogel is a non-toxic and bio-friendly delivery technology that shows potential in promoting healing of wounds, burns, etc.

  • Reviewpp ###-###Liu, J., Wang, X., Fan, Z., Liu, Z., Xu, P., Sawant, T. R., Huang, G., Deng, X., Guo, J., Wang, J., and Zhou, M. (2025). "Valorization of agricultural residues: Challenges and opportunities in the production of bio-based materials," BioResources 20(2), Page numbers to be added.AbstractArticlePDF

    Environmental pollution and resource waste resulting from the disposal of agricultural biomass waste have become a global issue. Consequently, the pursuit of sustainable strategies for recycling such waste biomass and achieving its efficient and high-value conversion has emerged as a critical challenge that presents for both the global academic and industrial communities. This work provides a comprehensive overview of the current advancements in recycling and conversion of agricultural biomass waste into a variety of bio-based materials, with a particular focus on the biochar, nanocellulose, and bio-based plastics. Potential applications of these bio-based materials in agriculture and beyond with high added-value, such as cosmetics and biomedicine, are discussed with representative cases study. This review also highlights the challenges and future prospects in converting agricultural residues into various bio-based materials. It is hoped that this review will contribute to the understanding and promotion of recycling and reutilization of agricultural biomass waste, offering promising solutions for sustainable development of agricultural production.

  • Researchpp 2711–2727Hao, K., and Guan, H. (2025). "Children’s preferences for the styling of consultation room furniture based on scenic beauty estimation and Kansei engineering," BioResources 20(2), 2711–2727.AbstractArticlePDF

    Children’s preferences for the design of consultation room furniture were evaluated with a focus on the emotional and aesthetic factors influencing these preferences. An evaluation model for children’s furniture in consultation rooms was developed using the Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method and Kansei Engineering. Data were collected by gathering children’s aesthetic ratings and emotional assessments of furniture sample images, followed by statistical analysis to identify design preferences on both visual and emotional levels. The SBE results revealed a negative correlation between straight-line desks, backrest-free designs, and square seat surfaces with scenic beauty, suggesting that children prefer furniture with soft, rounded shapes. The Kansei Engineering results identified two principal factors influencing children’s preferences, further highlighting that soft, rounded forms, lightweight and comfortable experiences, and minimalist designs significantly enhance emotional engagement and attraction. The consistency between the two evaluation methods was high. In conclusion, furniture design for children’s consultation rooms should prioritize safety, comfort, and playfulness, incorporating soft, simple, and child-friendly designs to enhance children’s acceptance and comfort within the examination environment.

  • Researchpp 2728–2744Abada, E., Mashlawi, A. M., Gadallah, A. A., Hakami, O., El Alfy, M. A. A., Meganid, A. S., and Elbaz , R. M. (2025). "Antimicrobial with time-kill kinetics, antioxidant, and anticancer properties of Rosmarinus officinalis L. oil extract based on its bioactive components," BioResources 20(2), 2728–2744.AbstractArticlePDF

    There is a major clinical problem associated with antimicrobial resistance. Rosmarinus officinalis L. is an effective medicinal source. Its oil has been extracted and tested for its multiple therapeutic capabilities. The oil extract was found to be a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent against Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus as Gram-positive bacteria, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia as Gram-negative bacteria, and Candida albicans as the most common pathogenic mold. The minimum inhibitory concentration of the oil extract was found to be 15.6 μg/mL against B. subtilis, S. aureus, and C. albicans, and 62.5 μg/mL and 125 μg/mL against E. coli and K. pneumonia, respectively. The bactericidal activity started at 150 and 180 min against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, respectively, with clear time-killing kinetics. The oil extract was able to scavenge DPPH free radicals with an IC50 of 4.0 μg/mL. The oil extract was found to have high toxicity on the Caco2 cell line (colon tissue) at high dose 1000 μg/mL with IC50 of 75.39 ± 0.56 μg/mL. The chemical composition of the oil extract was determined employing gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, in which 53 compounds were named at different surface area ratios, retention times,  and probability ratios.

  • Researchpp 2745–2764Nirmala, N., Arun, J., Sanjay Kumar, S., Jayamani, M., Sureshkumar, K., Jawhari, A. H., Palanisamy, S., Ali, S. K., and Al-Farraj, S. A. (2025). "Enhanced bio-oil production from nannochloropsis algae via catalytic liquefaction: Synthesis and application of iron-based magnetically recoverable catalysts," BioResources 20(2), 2745–2764.AbstractArticlePDF

    Magnetically recoverable iron-based catalysts were developed, with the goal of being cost-effective, reusable, and environmentally friendly. The use of iron-based magnetically recoverable catalyst enhances the catalytic process efficiency for the enhanced bio-oil yield and quality compared to non-catalytic and conventional catalytic methods. The present study aimed to evaluate the hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of Nannochloropsis sp. in the presence of Fe3O4 nanostructures for enhanced bio-oil production.  The use of a magnetic-supported catalyst that is low-cost, safe, and can be reused many times without requiring a regeneration step (by retrieving it magnetically from the solid material) can serve as a novel strategy to be used at an industrial scale. The maximum bio-oil yield 31.4% was obtained with a Fe3O4 catalyst dosage of 0.3 g at temperatures of 300 °C and biomass to solvent ratio of 100 g/L, respectively. The compositional analysis of the produced bio-oil was performed and showed notable characteristics for biofuel application. The synthesized Fe3O4 catalyst was recyclable for up to five repeated cycles and a fluctuated bio yield was achieved for the last three cycles of procreation capability for HTL of Nannochloropsis sp. Further improvisation in designing the next generation magnetically recoverable catalyst with improved stability, efficiency will pay wave way for cost–effective and scalable bio-oil production systems.

  • Researchpp 2765–2790Koksal, S. E. (2025). "Foamed thermoset resins for enhanced mechanical properties and reduced formaldehyde emissions in particleboard," BioResources 20(2), 2765–2790.AbstractArticlePDF


    Urea formaldehyde (UF) and phenol formaldehyde (PF), the most commonly used thermosetting adhesives in the particleboard (PB) industry, release formaldehyde, which is harmful to both humans and the environment. This study aimed to reduce glue consumption in PB with lower formaldehyde content by foaming the glue. The UF and PF were foamed using gelatin (GL), an animal protein, and the results were compared with those performed using sodium bicarbonate (SB) foaming agent and neat (UF and PF as controls) glue. SB and GL foaming agents increased the volume of the UF and PF resins by 1.5 and 2 times, respectively. PB characterization was carried out mechanically, physically, and morphologically. A perforator analysis was performed to determine the formaldehyde content in PB. Results showed that the foaming process generally improved the mechanical properties except for 10% SB and 10% GL. Analysis showed that foaming reduced the PB moisture content and improved water absorption and thickness swelling, except for 10% SB and 10% GL. SEM analysis indicated a successful foaming process. GL and SB reduced the formaldehyde content of the PBs. In conclusion, PB can be produced using 10 to 20% less adhesive through the foaming method by GL.

  • Researchpp 2791–2810Abd-ElGawad, A. M., Amin, M. A.-A., Ismail, M. A., Ismail, M. K. A., Radwan, A. A., Sarker, T. C., El-Naggar, M. A., and Abdelkareem, E. M. (2025). "Selenium/copper oxide nanoparticles prepared with Urtica urens extract: Their antimicrobial, antioxidant, antihemolytic, anticoagulant, and plant growth effects," BioResources 20(2), 2791–2810.AbstractArticlePDF

    Urtica urens extract was applied for Se/CuO NPs synthesis with investigation of its biological activities and bio-stimulant qualities for Zea mays L. More antimicrobial activity was documented using Se/CuO NPs than U. urens extract against C. albicans, E. coli, S. typhi, B. subtilis, and S. aureus. Moreover less MIC and MBC values of Se/CuO NPs compared to U. urens extract against examined bacteria were recorded. Excellent antioxidant activity of Se/CuO NPs and U. urens extract was documented, with IC50 4.2±0.41 and 5.12 ±0.19 µg/mL, respectively. Anti-hemolysis of U. urens extract was higher than Se/CuO NPs with IC50 4.1±0.12 and 12.26±0.22 µg/mL, respectively. Anticoagulant potential of Se/CuO NPs was better than the U. urens extract via partial thromboplastin time (PPT) and prothrombin time (PT). Se/CuO NPs at 10 ppm caused the highest significant improvement in chlorophyll a and b of maize plants, but the highest value of carotenoids appeared at 20 ppm compared to the control and other treatments. The increase of shoot and root lengths was shown at 10 ppm of Se/CuO NPs by increasing 32.6 and 17.9%, respectively, compared to the control. Thus, novel bimetallic Se/CuO NPs synthesized using U. urens extract displayed antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticoagulant, anti-hemolysis, and plant biostimulant effects.

  • Researchpp 2811–2826Muhamad Haziq, M. F., Nur Aisyah Ar-Raudhoh , M. T., Siti Nur Liyana , M., and Nahrul Hayawin , Z. (2025). "Effect of activated palm kernel shell nanoparticles as a bio-filler on the mechanical properties vulcanized natural rubber," BioResources 20(2), 2811–2826.AbstractArticlePDF


    Oil palm wastes, such as palm kernel shell (PKS), can be beneficially used as value-added additive for natural rubber. Converting PKS into activated palm kernel shell (APKS) and transforming into nano size APKS (n-APKS) can enhance the performance of vulcanizates natural rubber (NR). Performance of n-APKS incorporated NR has been evaluated with different loadings (0 to 10 phr) in several tests, such as cure characteristic, bound rubber content (BRC), swelling, tensile, and abrasion resistance index (ARI). The presence of n-APKS decreased minimum torque from 0.54 dN.m to 0.31 dN.m, indicating enhancement processability. The cure index peaked at n-APKS loading of 5 phr (F4), which indicated the effective crosslinking in NR matrix. The F4 (5 phr) formulation outperformed others, featuring a BRC of 4.08%, a crosslink density of 8.65 x 10-5 mol/cm3, a tensile strength of 19 MPa, a M300 at 3.33 MPa, a reinforcement index of 3.78%, and an ARI of 38% with relatively low elongation at break (648%). The optimum loading of 5 phr is deemed a promising bio-filler option for the rubber industry and it also helps to reduce environmental waste disposal issues.

  • Researchpp 2827–2843Aytin, A., Taşçıoğlu, C., Uygur, İlyas, & Ohmura , W. (2025). "Effect of cryogenic process on Trametes versicolor and Fomitopsis palustris fungal destruction in ThermoWood® products of some wood species," BioResources 20(2), 2827–2843.AbstractArticlePDF

    Aspen, ash, spruce, and fir trees naturally grown in Turkey were obtained directly from the forest and processed using ThermoWood®(TM) processing at two different temperatures (190 °C: TW1 and at 212 °C: TW2). Then, cryogenic treatment (Cr) was applied to the samples, and they were placed in a jar containing Trametes versicolor (COV) and Fomitopsis palustris (TYP) mushrooms. Their weight loss (WL) was measured after 12 weeks. Although WL results varied depending on the tree type and the applied processes, it has been understood that Cr application can be effective in reducing WL. According to the study, the lowest WL was determined to be in COV fungus with 1.2% in cryogenically treated fir tree TW2 samples. The highest WL was in TYP mushrooms with 56.1% in spruce TW1 samples that received heat treatment (HT).  The results obtained from the study show that cryogenic treatment may be an alternative method for reducing WL in heat treated wood species.


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