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  • Researchpp 2699-2718Kangas, H., Hakala, T. K., Tamminen, T., Määttänen, M., Rovio, S., Liitiä, T., and Poppius-Levlin, K. (2015). "Optimisation of acetic acid lignofibre organosolv process," BioRes. 10(2), 2699-2718.AbstractArticlePDF

    Birch wood chips were cooked in acetic acid in the presence of phosphinic acid according to the Lignofibre (LGF) organosolv process. The cooking trials were performed according to an experimental design with process time, temperature, and the presence (or absence) of alkaline pre-extraction as the factors. Delignification was enhanced by increased temperature and alkaline pre-extraction. Alkaline extraction also limited xylose hydrolysis, as well as the further degradation of xylose into furfural. Degradation and condensation reactions began to take place between dissolved carbohydrates and lignin at higher temperatures and longer cooking times. Formation of pseudolignin, most likely because of reactions between lignin and furfural, was also observed under the harshest cooking conditions. To avoid these unwanted side-reactions, minimise viscosity losses, and preserve the yield, the LGF process time should be limited to 3 to 4 h at 150 °C.

  • Researchpp 2719-2731Chau, T., Ma, E., and Cao, J. (2015). "Moisture adsorption and hygroexpansion of paraffin wax emulsion-treated southern pine (Pinus spp.)," BioRes. 10(2), 2719-2731.AbstractArticlePDF

    Moisture adsorption and hygroexpansion behaviors of southern pine (Pinus spp.) treated with 0.5, 1, and 2% concentrations of paraffin wax emulsion were investigated. The specimens, 4 mm along the grain and 20 mm in radial and tangential directions, were exposed to seven different relative humidity conditions of 11, 22, 33, 45, 60, 75, and 92% for adsorption at 30 °C, which was controlled by a self-designed temperature conditioning chamber. Weights and transverse dimensions of the specimens were measured at certain time intervals during the adsorption processes. Results showed that paraffin wax emulsion treatments could reduce both equilibrium moisture content and adsorption rate. Additionally, paraffin wax emulsion treatments also improved dimensional stability, as indicated by estimation of the humidity expansion coefficient (Y) as well as moisture expansion coefficient (X).

  • Researchpp 2732-2743Park, J., Shin, H., Yoo, S., Zoppe, J. O., and Park, S. (2015). "Delignification of lignocellulosic biomass and its effect on subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis," BioRes. 10(2), 2732-2743.AbstractArticlePDF

    The effect of delignification on the enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass was investigated to determine how different delignification processes affect enzymatic hydrolysis conversion yields. Oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium chlorite treatments were performed, and the structural and chemical changes in the biomass were evaluated. Sodium chlorite delignification proved the most effective process to remove lignin in hardwood samples, followed by oxygen delignification. Hydrogen peroxide delignification was not as effective as the other two methods. As for the enzymatic conversion of carbohydrates after delignification processes on hardwood, oxygen and sodium chlorite treatments substantially improved conversion yields as the number of successive treatments was increased, compared to untreated hardwood samples. Changes in α-cellulose after delignification were less substantial than those of hardwood samples, and corresponding conversion yields were also lower. Delignification-induced structural changes in treated substrates might be responsible for the changes in carbohydrate conversion yield observed following subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis.

  • Researchpp 2744-2754Xie, T., Liu, W., Chen, T., and Qiu, R. (2015). "Mechanical and thermal properties of hemp fiber-unsaturated polyester composites toughened by butyl methacrylate," BioRes. 10(2), 2744-2754.AbstractArticlePDF

    Hemp fiber-reinforced unsaturated polyester (UPE) composites were prepared by hand lay-up compression molding. The UPE resins were modified with butyl methacrylate (BMA) to improve the flexibility and toughness of the hemp-UPE composites. The results indicate that the toughness of the composites significantly increased as BMA usage increased. Compared to the unmodified UPE composites, the composites obtained from BMA-modified UPE resins had 27.4, 63.0, and 36.6% greater elongation at break, flexural strain, and impact strength, respectively. The optimum BMA usage to achieve an adequate balance of stiffness and toughness is 20 to 30%. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) indicated that incorporation of BMA significantly decreased the storage modulus and glass transition temperature of the composites and increased its damping parameter due to the introduction of flexible segments into the UPE resins. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the thermal stability of the composites decreased slightly following the incorporation of BMA. Scanning electron microscopy images of the impact-fractured surfaces of the composites revealed that BMA incorporation improved interfacial adhesion between hemp fibers and UPE matrices and that the main mechanism for the increase in the toughness of the composites was the added ductility of the matrices.

  • Researchpp 2755-2772Yu, D., Liu, W., Li, Y., Wang, H., and Li, G. (2015). "Dodecenylsuccinic anhydride pickering emulsion stabilized by montmorillonite nanoparticles modified with sodium flouride," BioRes. 10(2), 2755-2722.AbstractArticlePDF

    Processing convenience and paper-sizing flexibility frequently require the delivery of alkenylsuccinic anhydride oil as emulsion. The shelf life of the oil is achieved kinetically, in most cases via the addition of surfactants such as cationic starch or a synthetic polymer, which are the subject of increasing scrutiny with regard to their environmental impact. The modification of montmorillonite nanoparticle with sodium fluoride was found to decrease the interfacial tension between dodecenylsuccinic anhydride (DDSA) and aqueous dispersion and to change the wettability of montmorillonite, which benefits the preparation of DDSA-in-water emulsions with enhanced stability, small droplet size, and improved hydrolysis resistance. Adjusting the pH and particle concentration of aqueous solution effectively improved the stability of DDSA emulsion. Catastrophic phase inversion from w/o (water-in-oil) to o/w (oil-in-water) was investigated by monitoring the variation of emulsion conductivity with increasing oil volume fraction. Evidence of the transition from loose particle-film to compact particle shell upon introduction of salt was found, as predicted theoretically for charged particles adsorbed on interfaces. Particulate interfacial films built by SFMMT nanoparticles protected DDSA droplets from aggregation and formed a honeycomb structure. Salt in the DDSA emulsification process restrained the hydrolytic action of DDSA effectively and sustained the sizing performance of DDSA even 5 h after the emulsion preparation.

  • Researchpp 2773-2782Pu, G., Zhu, W., Zhou, H., Liu, Y., and Zhang, Z. (2015). "Kinetics of co-gasification of low-quality lean coal and biomass," BioRes. 10(2), 2773-2782.AbstractArticlePDF

    The co-gasification behaviors of composite samples of biomass and lean coal were invest­igated under a CO2 atmosphere. The composite behaviors were determined based on thermogravimetric analysis and the Coats-Redfern method. These methods were used to analy­ze the kinetics of the processes. The results showed that the temperature ranges of the lean coal, biomasses, and the gasification ability of each biomass were different, and the coordination effects of each biomass varied. The addition of alkali metals had little influence on the pyrolysis efficiency and the peak temperature of composite samples of soybean stalk and lean coal, but it did promote gasification. In the pro­cesses of pyrolysis and gasification, composite samples of soybean stalk and lean coal exhibited lower activation energies than unmixed samples, but there was no significant enhancement with the extra alkali metal.

  • Researchpp 2783-2796Xiang, L. Y., Hanipah, S. H., P. Mohammed, M. A., Samsu Baharuddin, A. S., and Lazim, A. M. (2015). "Microstructural, mechanical, and physicochemical behaviours of alkali pre-treated oil palm stalk fibers," BioRes. 10(2), 2783-2796.AbstractArticlePDF

    The effect of alkali pre-treatment (sodium hydroxide, NaOH) on the microstructural, mechanical, and chemical composition of oil palm stalk fibres (OPSF) is reported for future bioconversion processes. The OPSF was pre-treated with various concentrations of NaOH (5, 10, 20, 30, and 40% w/v). Scanning electron microscopy analysis revealed that 5% w/v alkali concentration caused complete removal of silica bodies and waxy layers, whereas pronounced degradation of the fibres occurred at 40% w/v NaOH concentration. Mechanical test results showed that the maximum elastic modulus of untreated OPSF was 2.5 GPa and the modulus was not sensitive to alkali concentration. Permanent set (plastic strain) and viscoelastic behaviours of OPSF were observed from the loading-unloading and stress relaxation test results, respectively. Agreement was observed between the Prony series viscoelastic model and test results, which provided further evidence of the viscoelastic behaviour of OPSF.

  • Researchpp 2797-2808Chen, Q., Endo, T., and Wang, Q. (2015). "Characterization of bamboo after ionic liquid-H2O pretreatment for the pyrolysis process," BioRes. 10(2), 2797-2808.AbstractArticlePDF

    Bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) samples pretreated with ionic liquid (ILs)-H2O mixtures were studied concerning their application in the pyrolysis process. [Bmim]Cl-H2O, [Bmim]BF4-H2O, [Bmim]HSO4-H2O, and [Bmim]Ac-H2O mixture systems were used in the pretreatment process. The characteristics of pretreated bamboo were analyzed, as was cellulose extracted from ILs-H2O pretreated bamboo. The enrichment of cellulose (α-cellulose) in pretreated bamboo was achieved. The amount of char resulting from the pyrolysis of the [Bmim]Ac-H2O pretreated sample (20.1 wt%) was lower than the untreated bamboo sample (24.2 wt%) at 900 °C. A greater proportion of the pretreated bamboo samples was converted into gas products and/or liquids. The pretreated cellulose pyrolysis process could proceed more easily than processing untreated samples due to the disordered crystalline cellulose structure and the decrease in molecular weight.

  • Researchpp 2809-2822Xu, C., Wang, G., Xing, C., Matuana, L. M., and Zhou, H. (2015). "Effect of graphene oxide treatment on the properties of cellulose nanofibril films made of banana petiole fibers," BioRes. 10(2), 2809-2822.AbstractArticlePDF

    In this study, banana petiole-based cellulose nanofibril (CNF) films treated with graphene oxide (GO) were prepared and evaluated by means of Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Tensile strengths (TS), dynamic mechanical properties, and thermal stabilities of the films were affected positively when the GO loading was less than 4.4 wt%. From these results, FTIR spectra, and SEM analyses, a strong coupling between the GO and the cellulose matrix could be concluded at lower GO loadings. The TGA and DMA results also suggested that the CNF film treated with 4.4 wt% GO had more char residue, better thermal stability, higher storage modulus, and higher retention ratio when compared to that without treatment. This work provides a new approach for more effective utilization of banana petiole as a feedstock for CNF and GO/CNF composites.

  • Researchpp 2823-2835Ogunsanwo, O. Y., Terziev, N., Panov, D., and Daniel, G. (2015). "Bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Schrad.) from moist forest and derived savanna locations in South West Nigeria - properties and gluability," BioRes. 10(2), 2823-2835.AbstractArticlePDF

    Bamboo culms of Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. were collected from two locations in moist forests and two sites in derived Savanna zones in South West Nigeria. The study involved chemical analyses, density variability, bonding tests, gluability tests, and measurements of bending strength of the bamboo in addition to durability testing with decay fungi and treatability of glued boards with a copper-based wood preservative. Chemical analyses showed a uniform composition of the bamboo with a cellulose content of 45 to 47.5% and a lignin content of 23 to 25.6% as the predominant chemical constituents. An average wood density of 700 kg/m3 was a prerequisite for high mechanical strength. The moduli of elasticity were high and exceeded 14 kN/mm2 for bamboo boards and 13 kN/mm2 for finger joints. Bamboo boards from all growth sites showed high moduli of rupture in the range of 150 to 166 N/mm2 and 72.9 to 94.7 N/mm2 for boards and finger joints, respectively. Bamboo from the four sites showed variable mass loss with the EN-113 (1996) test method, which classifies this biomass as a moderately to non-durable plant material. White rot fungus (Trametes versicolor) caused the highest mass losses (11.2 to 16.8%). The bamboo showed good treatability using a 500-kg/m3 solution of a copper-based preservative.


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