Research Articles
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- Researchpp 5549-5567Jing, Y., Cheng, Y., Yu, S., and Lin, J. (2024). “An innovative application of diagonal ridge elements of classical Suzhou-style buildings to furniture design based on Kansei engineering and shape grammar,” BioResources 19(3), 5549-5567.AbstractArticlePDF
This paper proposes a furniture design method combining Kansei engineering (KE) and shape grammar (SG), to explore how the diagonal ridge elements of classical Suzhou-style buildings can be applied to furniture design and to explain how the styling elements match the cultural imagery in furniture products. Suzhou-style armchairs and cultural elements of diagonal ridges were collected, the most suitable armchairs were selected for incorporating such elements, and their shapes were deconstructed along with characteristic interpretations. A factor bank of diagonal ridge elements was constructed, first through Kansei word selection and evaluation experiments, and then through factor analysis which determined the main cultural elements of the design. The shape grammar theory was applied to design and innovate the selected armchair samples, achieving three design solutions. The solutions were then comprehensively evaluated, and the optimal one was used for the final physical product. The results of the study showed that users had clear subjective feelings about the design incorporating diagonal ridge elements, with their Kansei on three aspects: aesthetic style, decorative complexity, and structural balance. The approach used in this work blends furniture products with cultural imagery on diagonal ridges, providing a feasible methodological reference and an empirical case for cultural sustainability through furniture design.
- Researchpp 5568-5585Uzun, O., Yeşil, H, and Perçin, O. (2024). “Effects of thermal treatment on air-dried density, color change, average surface roughness, and sound absorption capacity of Scots pine,” BioResources 19(3), 5568-5585.AbstractArticlePDF
This study was conducted to investigate some characteristics of thermally treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood specimens such as air-dried density, color change, average surface roughness, and sound absorption capacity. Heat treatment of Scots pine wood was performed at atmospheric pressure at 140, 160, 180, and 200 °C for 2 h. As a result, the air-dried density values of the thermally treated wood decreased as the temperature of the thermal treatment increased. With the increase of thermal treatment temperature, an increase in total color change values was detected on the surfaces of the samples and the color of the samples became darker. The average surface roughness (Ra) value of samples improved due to thermal treatment conditions and the highest value was determined in thermally treated samples at 200 °C as 3.59 μm. At 140 °C the value of maximum sound absorption coefficient was observed to be 0.48 at 2500 Hz and the highest sound transmission loss value, which was 36.7 dB, was measured at 6300 Hz and at 200 °C.
- Researchpp 5586-5598Jo, H. M., Lee, J. Y., and Kim, T. Y. (2024). “Application of surface-modified carboxymethylated nanofibrillated cellulose as a strength enhancer for specialty paper,” BioResources 19(3), 5586-5598.AbstractArticlePDF
Pretreated carboxymethylated nanofibrillated cellulose (CM-NFC) was tested as a strength enhancer for specialty paper, such as banknotes made from cotton linter mixed pulp (CLMP). The pretreatment agent was cationic poly(acrylamide) (C-PAM). The CM-CMF prototype was supplied by a Korean manufacturer. Laboratory tests and pilot trials were performed to evaluate the strength enhancement of banknotes incorporated with surface-modified CM-NFC and determine the process problems encountered in a pilot paper machine. The CM-NFC was surface modified with 0.1% C-PAM without any agglomerates. The prepared laboratory handsheets had high paper strength, which was attributed to the higher nanofibril content of surface-modified CM-NFC compared with that of unmodified CM-NFC. Pilot trials showed that the incorporation of 3% surface-modified CM-NFC was highly effective in promoting the strength of banknote without low retention and drainability on the wet-end part of the pilot paper machine. Therefore, surface-modified CM-NFC at a controlled dosage could be used as a strength enhancer for specialty paper without incurring serious problems in a paper mill.
- Researchpp 5599-5609Jin, M., Li, H., De, X., Suo, B., Zhang, J., and Kang, J. (2024). “Design and simulation of internal planetary wheel plunger-type ring molding machine for biomass pellets,” BioResources 19(3), 5599-5609.AbstractArticlePDF
Key components of the existing external meshing dorsal spine plunger-type molding machine were modeled in three dimensions, and the fatigue life analysis of the molding machine spindle was carried out by using Ansys software. Due to the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the material ring mold, and pressure roller in the granulation process, there are a lot of contacts and collisions. Using the linear mechanics model is difficult to analyze. To achieve more accurate and realistic results, an Edem-Ansys joint coupled simulation was carried out for the pressure roller and ring mold engagement process. The results showed that the stress concentration point and fatigue weak region of the spindle occurred at the shaft cross-section, where the stress value should be less than 0.75 F. The maximum stresses and strains in the engagement process of the pressure roller and the ring die body occurred at the engagement point. The maximum values of deformation, stress, and strain were 0.039 mm, 412 MPa, and 0.002 mm/mm, respectively, which are all within the reasonable range and meet the design requirements.
- Researchpp 5610-5631Arokiyaraj, S., Rajakrishnan, R., and Flanetraj, S. R. (2024). “Sustainable composting of vegetable waste, cow dung, grasses, and food wastes into soil amendment using starter culture and growth characteristics in guava plant,” BioResources 19(3), 5610-5631.AbstractArticlePDF
The study aim was to optimise the C/N ratio, improve the compost quality, reduce pathogenic bacteria load in the compost, and improve guava yield. Vegetable wastes were mixed with cow dung, grasses, and food wastes in ratios of 4:3:2:1 (w/w) for achieving a C/N ratio of approximately 37. Co-composting is an important strategy because the mixture of bulking agents can help achieve optimal composting conditions. Experimental results were obtained from a pilot-scale rotary drum reactor with forced aeration. In the reactor, the temperature increased during the thermophilic phase (58±2 °C) and decreased after 10 days (54±2 °C). The pH values moderately increased, then decreased, and were near to neutral after maturation. The results indicated that co-composting of bio-wastes at a C/N ratio of 37.6%±1.02% could be effectively decomposed to reduce the residuals to just 13.6%±1.05% after 28 days. The microbial population increased in both mesophilic and thermophilic stages and decreased at the end of the composting, reflecting stability. The stable compost was applied to the growth of guava plant, and the yield was calculated. The organic compost improved plant growth, fruit yield, and enriched phytochemical compounds in the fruit and peels. The phytochemical compounds improved antioxidant activity in the guava fruits.
- Researchpp 5632-5653Muthuramamoorthy, M., Aldalbahi, A., Alanzi, K. M. R., Pandiaraj, S., Karuppiah, P., Govindasami, P. (2024). “Production of low-cost lactic acid from dairy wastes and dates wastewater and bioactive silver-poly (lactic acid) nanocomposite for biological applications,” BioResources 19(3), 5632-5653.AbstractArticlePDF
L-Lactic acid-producing Lactobacillus lactis and L. plantarum were isolated from date wastes. The fermentation process was optimized using a one-variable-at-a-time approach. Dairy wastewater and wastewater from the date industry were utilized as low-cost culture media to produce lactic acid. The selected two bacterial strains were co-cultured in wastewater medium to produce L-lactic acid and D-lactic acid. Lactic acid production was significantly improved by glucose (carbon source), yeast extract (nitrogen source), initial inoculum level, and polysorbate 80. A central composite design and response surface methodology were used to optimize the variables and their levels to improve lactic acid yield. The supplemented yeast extract, glucose, and polysorbate 80 improved lactic acid. The predicted variables and their levels for maximum lactic acid production were glucose (67.5 g/L), yeast extract (10.28 g/L), and polysorbate 80 (0.48 mL/L). The prepared nanocomposites exhibited antibacterial activity against foodborne bacterial pathogens. The structural properties of the silver-polylactic acid nano compost materials were determined. The characterized compost materials exhibited a peak absorption wavelength of 430 nm. The silver and poly(lactic acid) were characterized using X-ray diffraction analysis and were 30 to 50 nm in size.
- Researchpp 5654-5671Rejiniemon, T. S., Raishy, H. R., Bhamadevi, R., Binobead, M. A., Aljowaie, R. M., and Rathi, M. A. (2024). “Banana pseudo-stem and cattle manure for lactic acid production and the application of polylactic acid-cellulose silver nanoparticle-based nanocomposite films in food storage,” BioResources 19(3), 5654-5671.AbstractArticlePDF
Lactic acid is used in various industrial processes, including the production of emulsifiers, polymers, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Fermentation of renewable biomass from natural sources has several advantages over costly chemical methods. Thermal and acidic pretreatments were used to improve the availability of sugars in the medium. Bacillus coagulans was isolated from the banana pseudostem; it was cultured with cattle manure-banana pseudostem for the improved production of lactic acid. Lactic acid production was high in the culture medium containing a 1:1 ratio of cow manure and banana pseudostem after 72 h of fermentation. After 24 h, lactic acid production was 19.4 ± 1.2 g/kg substrate, and it increased after 48 h (20.5 ± 0.1 g/kg substrate), and 72 h (26.3 ± 0.1 g/kg substrate). Lactic acid synthesized by B. coagulans was purified and used for the synthesis of polylactic acid. Polylactic acid was used for the fabrication of composite materials with cellulose and silver nanoparticles. The scanning electron microscopy image showed a smooth surface with uniform particle sizes. The fabricated nanoparticles showed antibacterial activity against food spoilage bacteria. The film was used to pack goat meat and chicken meat. The fabricated film reduced the bacterial load in the stored meat and improved food quality.
- Researchpp 5672-5684Nociar, M., Pipíška, T., Král, P., Grbec, S., and Šernek, M. (2024). “Effect of the percentage of MUF adhesive coverage on shear strength when bonding different wood species,” BioResources 19(3), 5672-5684.AbstractArticlePDF
Due to climate changes, it is necessary to consider the use of other wood species to replace currently used woods. This work deals with the determination of the shear strength of bonded veneers (eight European wood species: spruce, larch, pine, beech, oak, poplar, birch, and alder) with Silekol® 311 melamine-urea-formaldehyde adhesive (MUF) with a variable coverage on the surface of the samples: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 75, and 100%. The Automated Bonding Evaluation System (ABES) was used to evaluate and compare adhesive bond strengths. The larch, beech, and oak samples exhibited greater single-lap shear strength than the control samples from spruce. There was no statistically significant difference in shear strength regarding the adhesive coverage from 100% to 20% on the surface of the samples, for almost all wood species. The results of the project provide basic information about the bonding strengths with different coverage in the adhesive layer, comparing non-commonly used wood species in wood-based composites such as oriented strand board and particleboard.
- Researchpp 5685-5698Zhu, M., Qiu, X., Hao, J., Hu, J., and Liu, Z. (2024). “Unlocking the potential of oat straw: Efficient pretreatment methods for enhanced glucose production,” BioResources 19(3), 5685-5698.AbstractArticlePDF
The excellent physical and chemical properties of deep eutectic solvents, especially the ability of some of them to dissolve biomass, make them broadly applicable in biomass pretreatment. In this study, oat straw was pretreated with deep eutectic solvents composed of choline chloride and an acid (formic, lactic, or oxalic acid). The highest reducing sugar yield was obtained for the formic acid/choline chloride mixture. Using a pretreatment temperature of 110 °C, a reaction time of 2 h, and a solid-liquid ratio of 1:20, the reducing sugar yield obtained by cellulase hydrolysis was 23.5%, the degradation rate of cellulose reached 76.9%, and hemicellulose was completely degraded. The pretreated oat straw was then analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The changes in its crystallinity and lignin content compared to the untreated specimen were determined. A preliminary mechanism for the pretreatment of oat straw with formic acid/choline chloride was revealed. The study could provide an opportunity to expand the application in biochemicals or biological feed processes.
- Researchpp 5699-5716Abd Hair, A. H., Salleh, K. M., Nyak Mazlan, N. S., Khairunnisa-Atiqah, M. K., Purhanudin, N., Mohd Akhiri, A. S., Zakaria, S., and Awang, R. (2024). “Optimisation of nitrogen plasma exposure time for surface modification of cotton fibre,” BioResources 19(3), 5699-5716.AbstractArticlePDF
Surface modification via plasma treatment is useful in improving textile-based wound dressing functionality. This study was conducted to optimise the nitrogen plasma exposure time and its effect on the cotton surface (CS) properties at a constant nitrogen flow rate of 20 sccm for 5 to 30 min. The optimisation was done by analysing the alteration in morphology, functional group composition, crystallinity phase, electrokinetic potential, and colour of CS as subjected to nitrogen plasma. CS experienced an etching effect due to the presence of microcracks on its surface, with its electrokinetic potential becoming less negative, ranging from -5.51 to –8.05 mV. Then, the nitrogen functional group was detected on CS ranging from 2.9% to 4.5%, with its whiteness index reduced to 8.67% compared to the pristine cotton. As a result, 20 min was selected as the optimum exposure time for surface treatment. An exposure time of 30 min showed an early sign of degradation, which reduced its crystallinity index by 11.1%. Apparently, the CS is activated as exposed to the nitrogen plasma and experiences slight changes in its molecular structure without affecting its bulk properties.